New Journeys
New Journeys is a Coordinated Specialty Care recovery-oriented treatment program for people ages 15-40 who are experiencing first episode psychosis and have a primary diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophreniform Disorder, Brief Psychotic Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Other Specified Psychotic Disorder. New Journeys promotes shared decision making which allows clinicians and the individual to work together to set goals and create an action plan to achieve these goals by focusing on individual strengths. The team includes a Program Director/Family Education Specialist, a Psychiatric Care Provider, an Individual Resiliency Training Clinician, Supportive Employment and Education Specialist, Peer Support Specialist, and a Case Manager. Duties of these specialist consist of providing psychotherapy, medication management, family education and support, case management, and work or education support, depending on the individual’s needs. The goal is that when the individual graduates from the New Journeys program they are both in the recovery phase of psychosis, as well as, confident in their ability to live fulfilling lives.
New Journeys will be serving individuals in Lewis and Cowlitz Counties.